In 2023, an estimated 6.4 million car crashes occurred in the U.S., involving millions of people. Surviving a crash can feel like a stroke of luck, but it’s crucial to know what steps to take if you’re involved in an accident. While focusing on the positives is important, being prepared can make a significant difference in handling the aftermath.

Here, we’re going to talk about:

  • What to do immediately following a crash
  • How to contend with your insurance in car crash procedures
  • The importance of legal advice post-collision

Read on for more info on what to do after an accident.

Immediate Post-Accident Steps

Car accident safety should be your top priority immediately following a collision. Start by checking yourself for injuries and moving to a safe location if possible. Seek medical attention if needed.

Once you’ve ensured your well-being:

  • Call the police
  • File a police report
  • Take photos of any injuries and vehicle damage
  • Capture images of the accident scene
  • Document the other vehicle’s license plate number
  • Exchange information with the other driver, including names, contact details, and insurance information
  • Be cautious with your words—avoid making any statements that could be interpreted as admitting fault

Look at Your Insurance Policy

At this point, you need to look at the auto insurance policy you hold. See whether you have:

  • Full collision coverage that covers your vehicle damage regardless of fault up to the market value of your vehicle.
  • Bodily injury liability that covers injuries that you caused to others up to a certain sum if you’re at fault.
  • Property damage liability that covers the repair costs to other automobiles if you’re at fault.
  • Medical payments that cover injury costs to you and your passengers.

Understanding what coverage you have makes it easier to know what to expect.

Choosing the Right Insurance Provider

Insurance is essential for providing financial protection and peace of mind, especially if an accident occurs. A good policy ensures that you’re not left shouldering the full cost of damages or injuries, allowing you to handle unexpected situations with confidence.

Warrior Insurance finds comprehensive car insurance policies designed to give you that peace of mind. These policies guide you through the steps to take if you’re ever involved in a car accident, making the process clear and straightforward.

When the need arises, having Warrior Insurance by your side means you’ll know exactly who to call. Our dedicated team will assist you in filing a claim promptly and accurately, ensuring you receive the financial support you need without delay.

Get Legal Advice After a Car Accident

If you’re not at fault in an accident and need compensation beyond what your insurance company can offer, seeking legal assistance may be necessary. To ensure you get the support you deserve, follow these steps:

  • Find an auto accident lawyer who aligns with your needs
  • File a claim through your attorney
  • Provide them with evidence to help establish fault
  • Let your attorney negotiate with the other party’s insurance on your behalf
  • Secure the compensation you’re entitled to

By working with a skilled attorney, you can navigate the legal complexities and maximize your chances of getting the compensation you deserve.

Beyond What to Do if Involved in a Car Accident

Now that you know what to do if involved in a car accident, it’s time to revamp your insurance policy in 2024. Warrior Insurance offers a wide range of policies to vehicle owners so that you can get the post-collision help you need when disaster strikes.

Request a quote to find the perfect policy to meet your budget and needs!